Special Event: Tech Talk 22 October

  • 22 Oct 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Registration is closed

After the popularity of the last Tech Talk we have decided to run it again. This FREE INTERACTIVE talk circle is about what is working for you in the virtual space. Bring your thoughts and insights about what is working for you. It may be online engagement formats, best practice processes and workflows, hybrid event tips, even cameras, lights, mics, software platforms and tools.

Additionally, I've invited Julian Mather who can answer your more involved and sophisticated set ups. Julian is known for creating great, promotional videos using your phone. He's also a bit of a wiz with Streamdeck. I'll be talking to him about his expertise as well as what he is doing to get and keep attention online.

The link to join is provided once you have RSVPed.