The Yin and Yang of Performance, Hustle and Business Success: A Tale of Two Speakers

  • 13 Nov 2023
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM


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Prepare to embark on a transformative journey into the intricate interplay of performance and business success, guided by two extraordinary speakers whose distinctly different approaches defy conventional stereotypes of “the hustle”.

Christian “Boo” Boucousis CSP: Google “Christian Boo Boucousis” and you’ll discover a world-class speaker with hundreds of reviews attesting to his life changing insights, ranking him 4.9/5.0 (as Boo says, no one’s perfect!), one of the world’s most impactful and results oriented speakers.

Former Fighter Pilot turned entrepreneur, Boo has recently acquired Afterburner Worldwide where they (to-date!) have trained over 3 million business professionals - 60% of which work for Fortune 500 companies. He not only is CEO for this AND his speaking business, but he has also built multiple businesses to 6+ figures all while recently relocating to the USA and being a dad to multiple little ones. 

Pauline Nguyen: Pauline’s story is that of survival first. Escaping war-torn Vietnam as a toddler, Pauline eventually made it to Australian shores after a year in a Thai refugee camp. Having jumped from the frying pan, Pauline was thrust into the fire – going on to suffer tremendous physical and emotional abuse until she was a young woman.

Rising from the ashes of her trauma to become one of Australia’s most sought-after speakers, Pauline was recently invited to deliver a keynote at the International Association of Speakers Bureaus conference in Chicago. The IASB is a leading body for the events and meeting industry worldwide, and hundreds of bureaus and management companies attend their conference each year. Being asked to speak on their stage is not only a real honour but also a massive opportunity.

So in a world inundated with expectations, “shoulds” and a work-comes-first attitude, join us for this online event to discover how these two speakers embody unconventional approaches to “the hustle” and achieve extraordinary results in their speaking businesses.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Redefining hustle: Learn unconventional approaches to “the hustle” and how to successfully break free of the conventions to achieve extraordinary results.
  • Harness adaptability: Gain insights into resilience, determination, and strategies for transcending challenges, helping you navigate your own path to triumph in the world of speaking. 
  • Sustainable success: Discover your own unique balance to thrive in business long-term, while preserving your well-being and avoiding the pitfalls of burnout.

Perfect For:

  • Speakers who have been in the game for a long time, looking to take their foot off the energetic pedal without losing traction in their business
  • New and budding speakers who are searching for strategies to get more out of their business without burning the candle at both ends (more than they already are!)
  • Those who want to break into the speaking arena, setting themselves up for sustainable success and exceptional results